Saturday, August 10, 2013

My Worries...

You know what, why  I keep on posting in this blog for all night long till this morning.. I CANT SLEEP!!!
I drank too much coffee just now.  I think that the reason why but it is okay...

Soon I have to get back to college.  Holiday time is very short, just one week.   Not forgotten, even though now is the eid mubarak celebration,  I still remember and think about the tasks given by the lecturer before the holiday.  And also after this holiday, there were lot of  quizes and test waiting for us.
Oh my!  Do you know how it feel?  During holiday you keep on thinking about homeworks, assignments, quizes and tests... 
At the same time, I didn't show my worries toward my family and friends.  I just kept it on my own.  I don't want to  interfere their happiness.  Maybe afterthis I just want to share my problem with my beloved mom :)

Ok, now time shows 3:46 am.. I still cannot sleep and I think I keep on posting in this blog,hehe..
Happy reading.. :)


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