Friday, August 16, 2013 0 comments

Pictures related to CSC 134

Salam,...  This morning I would like to post pictures that relate to CSC134 from Chapter 1 until Chapter 5.  It just random...



Salam, this is the last chapter of CSC134 that I'm going to post.  First of all, I start of with definition of system software. 
System software consists of the programs that control or maintain the operations of the computer and its devices.  System software have two types.
  1. Operating systems (OS)
  2. Utility programs
1)  An operating system (OS) is a set of programs containing instructions that work together to coordinate all the activities among computer hardware resources. 
Fuction of OS are:
  • start and shut down a computer
  • provide a user interface
  • manage programs
  • manage memory
  • control a network
  • coordinate tasks
The process of starting or restarting a computer called booting.  There are two type of booting; cold boot and warm boot.
Types of operating systems:
  • Stand-alone Operating Systems
  • Server Operating Systems
  • Embedded Operating Systems
2)  A utility program is a type of system software that allows a user to perform maintenance-type tasks.
-A file manager is a utility that performs functions related to file management.  A search utility is a program that attempts to locate a file on your computer based on critiria you specify.
-A disk cleanup utility searches for and removes unnecessary files.
-A disk defragmenter reorganizes the files and unused space on a computer's hard disk so that the operating syatem accesses data more quickly and programs run faster.
Hot! Take not! hehe
  1. A virus describes a potentially damaging computer program that affects a computer negatively.
  2. A worm copies itself repeatedly in memory or over a network.
  3. A Trojan horse hides within or looks like a legitimate program.
  4. An antivirus program protects a computer against virusses.


Salam, today I want to update on CSC134 of Chapter 4: Type of storage.

Let begin with definition of storage.  Storage holds data, instructions and information for future use.  A storage medium is the physical material on which a computer keeps data, instuctions and information.  Capacity is the number of bytes a storage medium can hold.
  • kilobyte (KB):  1 thousand
  • megabyte (MB):  1 million
  • gigabyte (GB) : 1 billion
  • terabyte (TB):  1 trillion
  • petabyte (PB):  1 quadrillion
  • exabyte (EB):  1 quintillion
  • zattabyte (ZB):  1 sextillion
  • yottabyte (YB):  1 septillion
The list of storage are:
  1. hard disks
  2. flash memory storage
  3. cloud storage
  4. optical dics
  5. other type of storage (tape, magnetic stripe card, smart card, microfilm, microfiche
Characteristics of a hard disk include:
  • capacity
  • platters
  • read/writes heads
  • cylinders
  • transfer rate
  • access time
A memory card is a removable flash memory device that you insert and remove from a slot in a computer, mobile device, or card reader/writer.
Cloud storage is an Internet service that provides storage to computer users.  Advantages of cloud storage are:
  • access files from any computer
  • storage large files instantaneously
  • allow others to access their files
  • store offsite backups
  • view time-critical data and images immediately
  • provide data center functions
An Optical disc consists of a flat, round, portable disc made of metal, plastic and lacquer that is written and read by a laser.  It typically store software, data, digital photos, movies, and music.
  • CD-ROM
  • CD-R
  • CD-RW
  • Blue-ray Disc-ROM (BD-ROM)
Tape is a magnetically coated ribbon of plastic capable of storing large amounts of data and information.
A magnetic stripe card contains a magnetic stripe that stores information.
A smart card stores data on a thin microprocessor embedded in the card.
Microfilm and microfiche store microscopic images of documents on a roll or sheet film.
Thursday, August 15, 2013 2 comments


Salam, again today I want to share some knowledge from what I have learn this chapter 3.  Chapter 3 is devide into two, that is 1) Understanding Input, 2) Understanding Output.

1) Understanding Input
Input is any data and instructions entered into the memory of a computer.  An instuctions can be entered into the computer in the form of programs, commands, and user responses.

The example of Input device are:
  1. The keyboard is an input device that contains keys users press to enter data and instructions into a computer. There are two types of keyboard. One is wired keyboards (eg: USB port) and the another one is wireless keyboards (eg: bluetooth and IrDA).
  2. The ponting device is an input device taht allows a user to control a pointer on the screen.  A mouse is a pointing device that fits under the palm of your hand  comfortably.  Most widely used pointing device on desktop computer and a mouse can be wired or wireless.  Other ponting device are: Trackball, Touchpad, and Pointing Stick.
  3. Video games and computer games use a Game controller as the input device that directs movements and actions of on screen objects.  Example of game controller are:  Gamepads, Joysticks & Wheels, Light guns, Dance pads and Motion-sensing controllers.
  4. Voice input is the process of entering input by speaking into a microphone.  Voice recognition is the computer's capability of distinguishing spoken words.
  5. Audio input is the process of entering any sound into the computer.  Examples are speech, music, and sound effects.
  6. Video input is the process of capturing full-motion images and storing them on a computer's storage medium.
  7. Touch screens and Touch-sensitive pads
  8. Pen input
  9. Digital cameras
  10. Scanners and Reading Devices
  11. Biometric Input
2) Understanding Output
Output is the data that has been processed into a useful form.  Examples text, graphics, audio, and video.  An output device is any type of hardware component that conveys information to one or more people.  Example of output device are:
  • display devices; eg: LCD monitors, Plasma monitors & CRT monitor
  • printers; eg: A nonimpact printer:- Ink-jet printers, photo printers, laser printers.  An impact printers:- dot-matrix printer, Line printer.
  • speakers, headphones, & earbuds
  • data projectors
  • interactive whiteboards
  • force-feedback game controllers
  • tactile output



Salam, today again I want to post about what I have learn and understand in Chapter 2 of CSC134 subject.
In this chapter 2, it discuss about system unit component of computer.  The system unit itself is a case that contains electronic component of the computer used to process data.   The inside of the system unit on a desktop personal computer includes:
  • drive bay(s)
  • power supply
  • sound card
  • video card
  • processor
  • memory
The 'motherboard' is the main circuit board of the system unit.  A computer chip contain integrated circuits.  The processor, also called the central processing unit (CPU), interprets & carries out the basic instructions that operate a computer.  The control unit is the component of the processor that directs & coordinates most of the operations in the computer.  The arithmetic logic unit (ALU) performs arithmetic, comparison & other operations.

In this chapter 2, I also learned 2 types of memory; volatile memory and nonvolatile memory.
Memory consist of electronic components that store instuctionss waiting to be executed by the processor, data needed by those instructions, and the results of processing the data.  Memory store 3 basic categories of item; 1)  the operating system & other system software. 2)  application programs.   3) data being processed & the resulting information. 
  • Volatile memory:  Loses its containts when power is turned off.  Example:  RAM.
  • Nonvolatile memory:  Does not lose contents when power is removed.  Examples:  ROM, flash memory &  CMOS.
I also learned about port & connectors.  A port is the point at which a peripheral attaches to or communicates with a system unit (sometimes reffered to as a jack).  A USB port can connect up to 127 diffefent peripheral together with a single connector.  Type of ports are:
  • firewire port
  • bluetooth port
  • SCSI port
  • eSATA port
  • IrDA port
  • serial port
  • MIDI port
A connector joins a cable to a port.  On a notebook computer, the ports are on the back, front, and/or sides.  The port types are:
  • audio in
  • cable tv
  • HDMI port
  • serial
  • speaker
  • USB
  • Network
  • monitor
  • firewire
  • mouse
In addition, a bluetooth port adapter converts a USB port into a Bluetooth port.  Buses allow the various device both inside & attached to the system unit to communicate with each other. There are 2 types of Buses; 1)  Data bus,  2)  Address bus.