Saturday, August 10, 2013

My NEW blog :)

So sad and frustrating when I want to update my old blog today and it can not be opened. Therefore, I have to make a new blog account for CSC134 subjects that I learned now in semester 3 in Diploma Office Management and Technology (BM118).

First of all, in this my new blog I will intro about myself a little bit.  As everyone can see, my name is Azrina Binti Azman and I am studying at Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Campus Samarahan.
Today I thought to update my old blog but there are problems on the old blog. Without wasting time, I continue to make new blog by the name Azrina's story.  In this new blog I will share some of my daily story... :)

I'm in a process to improve my English.  Hope you all enjoy viewing my blog and sorry for my bad English. 


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