Saturday, August 10, 2013

Learn and Improve; CSC 134

I still in a learning process and I hope what I have learned in CSC134 subject can be practise in my daily life.  Now my blog is still look like very very new...pity me have to do a new one.  My friends mybe already have a lot of stories or posts to be shared.

Before I forgoten CSC134 is stand for COMPUTER AND INFORMATION  PROCESSING.  For my 3rd semester, we have been introduce to this interesting subject.  We learned about categories of computer, element of an Information System, the system unit, types of memory, storage, the input and output devices, and also system software.

Maybe to some people it sound bored or weird, but to me it is interesting to know new things.  As a student, we must show an interest to a subject so that it be easier for us to understand and memorise the things. :)
As muslim said it more 'berkat' (blessing).

Ok, hopefully I can get an excellent result again for this semester.  Amin. :)


afif said...

Mohon simpan for study

afif said...

Mohon simpan semua chapter as a study tips for me

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